Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fungus Among Us

Tonight was good. Tonight was Zen. Tonight I made the Turkey and Rice soup, with mushrooms and sage. And sweet Lord, it was creamy goodness incarnate.

Just to walk you through the experience, I started about 4:30 PM. No kids, no grandchildren, hubby was in bed because he had a tooth extraction. Not that I'm glad about the tooth extraction, I'm just sayin'. It was QUIET. That's rare in my house. I poured a nice glass of red and started to chop the onions. Then I cried. Then I put on my glasses because the soup bible (the one I pictured yesterday) is unfortunately the tiniest cook book I have ever seen in my life. So very tiny.

I started out listening to opera. I want to love opera, I love moments in opera, but after about half an hour, I wanted to stab myself in the eye with my cutting knife. The sadness of the music just kills me. I tried reggae, made me want to get high...tried Christmas music, too cheesy...I even tried jazz but the only station I have available made me feel like I was in an elevator so I went to back to my constant...SIRIUS Coffeehouse music. A little Tracy Chapman, a little Neil Young, a little Jack Johnson. Perfect.

I chopped, stirred, sipped and listened. And at the end, I had this delicious creamy soup, full of turkey, browned mushrooms, sage and...well, creamy, creamy goodness. Seriously delicious. The kind of soup you want to bathe in...yep, it was that good. I used my culinary skills that I learned from the movie "Julie and Julia" which simply states that when browning mushrooms, don't crowd them. Apparently, mushrooms don't like to be crowded. Who knew?

I love mushrooms. Finally, a fungus after my own heart.


Unknown said...

Laughing, I love how you described the different music, especially the stabbing in the eye..funny

becky said...

Ditto on the long-term opera requiring an eye stab!!! This is why I am seriously in love with my ipod.

Soup sounds wonderful. I never knew that mushrooms didn't like to be crowded. I'll have to remember those words of wisdom.

Glad you're enjoying your soup bible.

Linda said...

:-D I DO love opera if I can actually go to the performance -- but it is NOT cooking music, especially, as you have observed, if you have sharp implements close to hand. The Sirius Coffeehouse station sounds like it would be perfect to cook to, if you don't have an iPod to set on shuffle! Creamy mushroom soup sounds loverly. Yum.