Topic 1: Why don't people say what they mean?
I received an email from a disgruntled employee earlier today. My boss is very controlling and he coaches me on what to say. I don't need his coaching...I know how to reply. This is KILLING ME. I love words. Words are to me like a hammer is to a carpenter. I like to use them. I search endlessly for the exact word to fit what I'm trying to express as if my life depended on it. But I think what's getting to me the most is how she ended the email..."with warmest regards," today opposite day? What she meant (did I mention she is disgruntled?) is "dietonightstupidbitch."
Topic #2: Olive St. Bistro...I met the Crystal and a couple of other friends there tonight and it was absolutely lovely. On the end of Olive St., in the middle of the 'hood, is a little taste of Italy. The Bistro is not much to look at from the outside. In fact, you could drive right past the place and never notice it. An old, small, beige house with a small, humble covered deck out front, sheltered from the street with thick, roaming ivy. The sign proclaiming "Olive St. Bistro" is barely visible beneath the climbing greenery. It leans slightly to the left, as if it doesn't care. It says to the world" Come in...or not...whatever."
But to those who come in, what a secret world awaits them! An elderly, round gentlemen in a brown, polyester suit is playing piano, an old upright..."La Vie en Rose", "Blue Moon", you name it, he plays it. Fernando, a suave man, slightly graying and tall, wearing a tweed jacket over a crisp white button-down shirt, with an incredible presence and sensual accent, is the manager. He walks from guest to guest, warmly greeting and making conversation. The food is incredible, old world, rich and colorful and the staff, warm and knowledgeable about the menu. I love this place. I feel like I'm in Italy. Or at least as close as I can get, seven blocks from my house, in the 'hood.
Topic #3: My dear friend, Dino, sent me the journal in the picture above for a newly grandmother present. I'll have to admit that at first, it sat in a corner in my office, and occasionally, I poked at it with a stick and grunted. It's completely foreign to me. It wants me to shred pages, burn pages, spill food onto pages, make paper airplanes out of pages and tie a string around it and take it for a walk. Diahn has convinced me to embrace the journal! To look at it as an adult activity book! To set myself free by totally disregarding, annihilating, writing, coloring and spitting on this book. I think I'm liking this idea. Maybe she's onto something. Yesterday, I sorta spilled cold coffee onto page one million and three...and then I did a little dance. Don't laugh, it was all staged, but I'm learning...
Topic 1: disgruntled with warmest regards, eh? Nice. Have fun with that one. See if you can work the word "externality" into the email. I just heard it on the news and looked it up - turns out it's a real word.
Topic 2: isn't it exciting to find a new, wonderful, slightly leaning place to eat? They don't have those in my town. All the restaurants in my town have 1400 more locations across the country.
Topic 3: YAAY!! Great job! I'm so proud of you!!! Go MoMo!!
Thanks for being proud! You have inspired and motivated me more than you know this last and your quirky books, beautiful paintings and sweet words. If you come for a visit in October, we'll go to the Olive St. Bistro. Robert can babysit! With warmest regards, Mo.
Topic 1: Ha! I understand your plight, having dealt with a similar situation earlier this week. Coincidentally, get Di to tell you the attorneys' wives joke -- if she can't remember it, tell her to give you my number. It might explain the "warmest regards" bit...
Topic 1b: Externality is a new word. Di made it up, put it on Wikipedia, some schmuck in economics/politics picked it up, and there you go. Still, I think you should see if you can work it into the e-mail. Should give warm regards a cool pause...
Topic 2: I promise to take Di to Vic and Bill's. NOT Italian though -- so we are still envious.
Topic 3: So you will post your pictures of the wrecked journal, right? It sounds like too much fun!
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